Today's Inspirational Message…

I’m sitting at my desk with wet hair (just out of the shower) and I have to motor to get to work on time, but I was pleasantly alarmed this morning to see that despite my absence from my own blog of late I have quite a few dear readers tuning in, readers who are wondering where I’ve been and when I’m coming back.  It made my day.

So, I’m here to say that all is cool.  I’ve been settling in with my new roommate, who is an incredibly humorous little angel, and we got cable and TiVo (roughly speaking, the equivalent of our own pony).  I had a cold and got sucked in on the sofa for a whole three days, but I’ve bounced back to selective viewing.  Then season two of Veronica Mars arrived yesterday and I had to watch it all in one eighteen hour sitting, natch.  More on that later.

I have been working on a couple of fiction projects and some other non-open-forum writing.  Bottom line: the telling of a story is as important to me as the story itself and our next installment is challenging both personally and in narrative terms, so I’ve been putting it off.  I’m going to stop doing that now.

Meanwhile, some words that inspired me today:

CourtneyTT“I haven’t moved on past self-loathing and self-doubt. If you move past those things, you’re done, you’re Sting. Sting Collins. Every time I think I’ve grown up, I do or say something that shows I’m a complete child.”

Courtney Taylor-Taylor


Hillery eventually learned not to say everything that came to mind. Some were too good not to write down.

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