Chaucer Did It
There were 14 saints martyred in Rome under the rule of Claudius II and one of them was the first known Valentine, so says wikipedia....
Hillery eventually learned not to say everything that came to mind. Some were too good not to write down.
There were 14 saints martyred in Rome under the rule of Claudius II and one of them was the first known Valentine, so says wikipedia....
Congratulations. You've scored Gilda! Sure, it's a love story, but a love story between the two coldest hearts on the planet. Okay, maybe just in Argentina. Really? As much as I love film noir and the comparison to Rita Hayworth...realistically, any movie representing me would have to be a screwball comedy!
Lately I’ve been living on friends’ sofas because I rented out my bedroom to my roommate’s family for the Thanksgiving fortnight. The realization that I wouldn’t be out of town with the ex or squirreled away with him in the middle of nowhere, as we’d planned for so long, was at first quite painful. Yet here in my adorable hotel room in DC, all alone in my king size bed with my exile nearly over, it seems hilarious.
< ![CDATA[ I want to be clear on one point as I hammer home this ode to a short hair domestic: I do not consider...
I was watching Bukowski: Born Into This the other night and in some special feature the filmmaker commented that he thought Hank wouldn’t have wanted him to make the film he did because it got too close—it showed the duker as vulnerable and often afraid. I thought, ‘Were you reading the same poetry I was?’ To my mind, vulnerability was the force behind every hard line that man ever wrote. If you were looking, you got close a long time ago.