While it Lasts…
They say a good thing never lasts, but I generally feel as though I come into the good things I find at the tail end. ...
Hillery eventually learned not to say everything that came to mind. Some were too good not to write down.
They say a good thing never lasts, but I generally feel as though I come into the good things I find at the tail end. ...
You know how I love to shout out from vaca! I find myself fortunate to be spending the week with friends on Martha’s Vineyard and...
So, I’ve been distracted and a little lazy, regarding this Occasionally business at least. And doing my dishes—definitely distracted and lazy about the dishes. Not...
Obviously, the pleasure of life with cable and a DVR has changed me. Of course, it didn’t happen just the way I wished or expected...
< ![CDATA[ I want to be clear on one point as I hammer home this ode to a short hair domestic: I do not consider...
I guess I’m here to say that even while I might be cultivating something akin to a life out there in the real world, I miss my virtual cocoon and those of you who care to tune in to my internal monologues. So even though my next installment still isn’t ready, I felt like giving you a shout out. I’m letting you know I still care, in case you were wondering.
"I haven't moved on past self-loathing and self-doubt. If you move past those things, you're done, you're Sting. Sting Collins. Every time I think I've grown up, I do or say something that shows I'm a complete child." Courtney Taylor-Taylor
I’ve been listening to the Stones all week. It’s not quite the full on Clash revival I was having at the beginning of the month,...
Oddly, it turns out, I was never that keen on Gertrude Stein, but I agree that a rose is a rose is a rose. There...
With all the change I’ve been embracing lately, I think it’s only fair to tell you about the one constant in my world. New readers...